

Photo stories on film...

Family. summer water story, blairgowrie.
sarah black sarah black

Family. summer water story, blairgowrie.

This past summer I introduced ‘Water Stories’, a unique film photo session for families - in this case a carefree day at Blairgowrie beach on the Mornington Peninsula. No stress, no fancy outfits, no ‘have to do anythings’. Just a chilled afternoon on the sand and in the shallows, enjoying your real life. Captured for ever.

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sarah black sarah black


One hour, a loving home, vintage cameras, a few rolls of film. Saturday morning, and recording it forever, is this easy (coffee optional but strongly recommended).

An easy and natural in home family photography session, with two toddlers, at home in Box Hill in Melbourne's Eastern suburbs.

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Family album - core summer memories
sarah black sarah black

Family album - core summer memories

An excerpt from one of my own family albums, these are from a trip to Bali a few years back. Nothing posey, just kids having fun. Everything else is optional (but of course, good lighting and great cameras helps!!) Water sessions are now available using the underwater camera which produced many of these images.

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family. Home, Melbourne
sarah black sarah black

family. Home, Melbourne

“Oh, Sarah! What special photos. Beautiful memories of this crazy, wild time in our life - in our home we’re so grateful to be slowly restoring and renovating…. I adore these images, and will forever more…”

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family. Home, Melbourne
sarah black sarah black

family. Home, Melbourne

If you ever ask me what i think is the best place for the most honest and authentic family photos, without hesitation I’ll say ‘home’…

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Family. flinders, mornington peninsula
sarah black sarah black

Family. flinders, mornington peninsula

This little cliffside spot in Flinders on the Mornington Peninsula, once a secret beloved by local surfers catching easterly breaks, painting groups, walkers, and hang gliders, is no longer so secret, having become incredibly popular with family photographers and their subjects over the last few years…

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Wildflowers, Dandenong Ranges
sarah black sarah black

Wildflowers, Dandenong Ranges

“The days are long but the years are short” is a home truth that every mother who has dropped their firstborn at their first day of school has felt in her bones…

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